Fast Facts 4 Parents


What exactly is radiology?

  • Radiology is a type of medical procedure that uses images to determine a patient’s health. A radiologist is a medical professional specializing in diagnosing and treating injuries and diseases using these images.

Does it hurt?

  • The majority of procedures are painless, although there may be some discomfort from having to lay still. Some procedures may require an IV; however, our staff will make every effort to make the process as quick and painless as possible.

Who performs the procedure/test?

  • A radiology technician, licensed and trained to take the image, will perform the test/procedure and check the images are clear and of good quality.

How will I receive the results?

  • One of the radiologists on staff will look at the images and send a report to your child's physician. If you have registered for our Patient Portal, you will be able to access the results directly.

Are there any risks to my child?

  • The Radiology Clinic takes every precaution to make sure your child is safe. We aim to expose your child to the smallest amount of radiation necessary while doing the procedure correctly and thoroughly.
  • No radiation remains in your child's body after X-rays or CT scans.
  • The amount of radiation your child is exposed to is based on their size and weight.

What happens after the test?

  • The technologist will give you any special instructions and let you know when your child can leave.

What can I do to help?

  • A parent or guardian will be allowed to accompany the child into the exam room. Please make other arrangements for siblings/other children.
  • Certain procedures will require a pregnant parent to leave the room, if that is the case, arrangements will need to be made for someone else to accompany the child during the exam. If you remain in the examination room with your child during the exam, you will have to wear a lead apron.
  • If you are anxious or upset, your child will pick up your emotions. So, please remain as calm as possible and speak to your child in a reassuring tone. When possible, praise them for being cooperative and helping the technologist.
  • Listen closely to the instructions the technologist gives your child.
  • Children can become anxious about having a test done, so talk to them before the exam and use simple and honest words with them.
  • Bring a favorite book, toy, or blanket to help comfort your child, if necessary.
  • Ask if you can assist.


The privacy of our patients and staff is important to us. No photographs or videos are allowed. Please turn off your cell phone before entering the exam room. The Radiology Clinic thanks you for respecting the privacy of others.